What I’ve Been Reading Lately

When we went out of town a few weeks ago, I ended up reading quite a bit, so I figured I’d share what I read!!

Every time I go to Costco, I take a look at the books they’re selling and take pictures of the ones that catch my eye. When I get home, or the next time I’m looking for a book to read, I go back, look at the picture, and try to rent the kindle version of that book from my local library!! The majority of the time, the library has it. Sometimes I have to get on the waitlist, but its worth it to not have to spend $10-$20 every time I want to read a book. I’ve read around 50 books this year alone, so I’m saving quite a bit of money by using the library! That is how I found these books!

Followers by Megan Angelo

This book is a dystopian novel, and is far, far different from what I typically gravitate towards. It is told from 2 points of view. One point of view is in the 2010’s, when social media is at its peak. Then, something called the “spill” occurs, the internet goes completely out, and the government ends up taking control of the new version of the web. The other point of view is from the 2050’s. The government has been controlling the internet for a while at this point, there is a group of “social media stars” who are recorded 24/7 and are pretty much under the control of a certain agency. One of the girls tries to escape this agency, and the book details her journey.

It felt like this book was trying to warn of what could happen if people continue to spend so much time on their phones and on social media. If you enjoy dystopian novels and conspiracy theories about the detriments of social media- this one is for you lol. It wasn’t my favorite, but I didn’t hate it. I will say, though, it was definitely outside of my comfort zone.

The Room on Rue Amelie by Kristin Harmel

RIGHT UP MY ALLEY!!! lol. My favorite genre by FAR is historical fiction- mainly focusing on WWII. This book is exactly that. It delves into the lives of an American woman and a young Jewish girl living in occupied Paris during WWII, along with the tale of a British RAF pilot who finds himself in Paris after his plane is hit. This story is SAD, but powerful and deep. It’s the kind of book that stays with you for awhile once you finish.

If you’re a fan of The Nightingale, Code Name Helene, Lilac Girls, etc.- you’ll love this one! I really enjoyed it and definitely recommend it!

As Bright as Heaven by Susan Meissner

This novel is also historical fiction, but takes place during the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918. This novel tells the tale of a family who owns a funeral home in Philadelphia right in the heart of the pandemic. The book details the aftermath of the pandemic, and tells the tale of lives and loved ones lost.

I really loved this book and found it super interesting. The characters were really well developed, and I was never bored. PLUS the fact that it dealt with the Spanish flu captivated me. It was fascinating to draw similarities between the world the characters were living in and the times that we are living in now. This book was SO good (ESPECIALLY for 2020), and I definitely recommend it!

Have you read any of these books?! If you have, or if you do, I’d love to know what you think about them!!

XX, Danielle